
This weekend was the 15th International Ice Climbing Festival in Kandersteg. Organized by Black Diamond, Polartec and Petzl this event became a traditional event where many climbers, ice climbers, and all people who loves mountains gather together to spend a wonderful time together. Dry tooling competition is a big part of this festival, and it is always fun to climb and compete with your friends. This year I managed to finish on the first place, although Pati couldn't join the event because of the accident he had recently. Anyway I'm proud to be the last winner of the Ice Climbing Festival in Kandersteg. Why last? Because it was the last time this festival was organized in Kandersteg. Next year this festival will have another format and will be held in a new, so far unknown location.
And of course we had a legendary party after the competition. I would like to thank Pavel, Natasha, Kristen and Stephane for support and of course all the organizers for this and all former festivals. Thanks Ron Koller for preparing all the routes.
Photos and results are coming soon!

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